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Saturday, October 2, 2010


Okay, I thought I'd come up with something interesting (to me) to add to my blog, so I took the perhaps toughest female movie icons ever and pitted them up together. Who will win? You decide! Oh and this blog does not have very fancy gadgets so ummm if your commenting please leave your choice to win of the two at the end (or any part really...) of your comment lol.:) I'll count them up in the end because I have nothing better to do with my life :/

1 comment:

  1. Well I thought I might as well comment myself then. Ummmm.... Well Ripley is my choice (which is so obvious if yove seen my favourite movies list on the blog here) because of her ability to adapt and to think clearly in impossible situations,and her sheer bravery too. Sarah Connor..hmmm... In the first Terminator she was a pathetic heroine in comparison to Ripley in the first Alien movie while in Terminator 2, shes gone tough psycho all of a sudden. (well actually over a period of years in a mental institution). Ripleys transition to 'tough heroine' is clearer and not as extreme. By right Ripley should be tougher because she went through much tougher situations than Sarah.. In the end its all down to who James Cameron (Director: Aliens,The Terminator, Terminator 2)likes most.. He married Linda Hamilton (Connor) but divorced her and brought Sigourney Weaver into Avatar. Hmmm... I know what your thinking, CAT FIGHT! (as Ripley would well know: Alien Queen anyone?) umm i totally made this too long lol
